The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

19: From Side Hustle to Full-Time Business

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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Many of you are working full-time - you've got regular day jobs, evening jobs, weekend jobs - but you've got this thing on the side, right? You've got an idea for a business. You started to slowly build it and it's starting to gain momentum, but when is it time to start changing the mindset and switching around your schedule to turn that side hustle into your full-time gig?

This week on The Gutsy Podcast, we're going to talk about just that. I'm going to tell you about all the things I should have done when I started Worx 11 and a half years ago, but didn't, and what has really helped a lot of entrepreneurs be successful in making that transition from side hustle to a full-time business.

Now there's a little bit of power behind being naive. If I knew what I know now when I had started Worx, I can't really guarantee I would have gone on this journey, but there's a lot of power in that because I also have experienced some of the greatest moments of my life because of this.

Also, if I think back to how I started Worx, I don't really know I would give that same advice to someone. Now, like many of you, I was absolutely doing the side hustle while I was working full-time. So at the time, we're going to go back to the year 2007, I was working at the yellow pages designing yellow page ads. And if you've listened to the podcast throughout, you've heard a little bit about this story. But I think it's important to reshare it here because we're talking about that transitional point where I decided to quit that job and take Worx full-time.

When I think back to that timeframe, gosh, it's such a moment of time. I can really physically and mentally relive it as I'm talking to you today. So I had been freelancing for quite some time. Graphic design is my career. That's where I started everything and I was designing all day and I'm going to put "design" in quotation marks because when you're creating yellow page ads, uh, your level of creativity is fairly limited. But I learned some of the most valuable things I needed to know during that season of my career. But I would leave work and feel just kind of unfulfilled. I had a whole lot more to give. (Continue Reading)

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