The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 21: The "Why Me?" Syndrome

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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We have all been in situations where something did not go the way that we thought. Someone said something that caught us off guard. A situation didn't pan out the way that we wanted to. An awesome client that, oh, we got to like 99.9% of the way and then in that last little fraction of a percentage, the contract fell out.

There's a hundred thousand million ways for things to go wrong and if we're not careful, we'll end up in the "why me" scenario. Some might consider this a little tiny baby violin. Sometimes this is a pity party. And a lot of times it can manifest into deep-rooted beliefs that we carry on from scenario to scenario to scenario.

For instance, if you pitched a customer or a product or a service or a project that you're going to work on together and you thought it was going to go amazing and they came back to you at the 11th hour and they were like, "You know what? You're too expensive." That's a bummer, right? Especially if you've got really hyped up and you thought that this was going to go through. And especially if you've already mentally started delegating where those funds were going to go. That will often manifest into, "Oh shit, maybe my prices are too high. Maybe I'll just lower those."

So then you lower your prices and you start playing on a lower vibration level and then you start attracting those types of clients. Then your mentality goes into "why me?" You're in the why me syndrome. "Why can I afford these things? Why am I behind on everything? I had these really grand plans and I really saw a future and now I feel stuck in something that doesn't belong to me. What is it about me that is wrong?" Right? It's a rabbit hole. We can go down this further and further and further.

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Speaker 1:


Laura Wallace:

It's Powerback time on The Gutsy Podcast. Each week, we bring you five minutes of condensed inspiration to reclaim the courage and momentum you've given away. You've got big things to do, so let's get your power back. We have all been in situations where something did not go the way that we thought. Someone said something that caught us off guard. A situation didn't pan out the way that we wanted to. An awesome client that, oh, we got to like 99.9% of the way and then in that last little fraction of a percentage, the contract fell out.


There's a hundred thousand million ways for things to go wrong and if we're not careful, we'll end up in the"why me" scenario. Some might consider this a little tiny baby violin. Sometimes this is a pity party. And a lot of times it can manifest into deep rooted beliefs that we carry on from scenario to scenario to scenario. For instance, if you pitched a customer or a product or a service or a project that you're going to work on together and you thought it was going to go amazing and they came back to you at the 11th hour and they were like,"You know what? You're too expensive." That's a bummer, right? Especially if you've got really hyped up and you thought that this was going to go through. And especially if you've already mentally started delegating where those funds were going to go. That will often manifest into,"Oh shit, maybe my prices are too high. Maybe I'll just lower those." So then you lower your prices and you start playing on a lower vibration level and then you start attracting those types of clients. Then your mentality goes into"why me?" You're in the why me syndrome."Why can I afford these things? Why am I behind on everything? I had these really grand plans and I really saw a future and now I feel stuck in something that doesn't belong to me. What is it about me that is wrong?" Right? It's a rabbit hole. We can go down this further and further and further. This week, I want you to take your power back by switching from"why me" to"why NOT me." Now, this is really a mindset shift. If you've listened to Tuesday's episode about mindset, you know just how powerful the vibration that you put out really is and how that makes an impact in everything that you do. When you operate from the space of"why me," you are stuck in victim mode. And honestly, I can't blame you. It's something that I want to help you shift through. But it's something that we've been so conditioned to do. It's our natural knee jerk reaction. But victim mode—when you think"why me"—you're equating that to"Everything's impossible. I'm never going to get out of this. This is the way that it's always going to be." And that ultimately ends up holding you back. But when you can find yourself consciously aware of when you start to go into that mindset—right, when you start saying those things to yourself—if you can mentally and in real actual time flip the perspective and say"You know what? Why not me," you put yourself in hero mode. Because when you say"why not me," you open up the door of possibility."It might suck right now. Whatever just happened was not okay, didn't make me feel great, didn't give me the outcome, but you know what it's over and it's done with, so what possibility do I have from this? What can I learn from this and apply to future situations?" When you say,"why not me," you're not only telling yourself but you're telling everyone around you and the universe that you believe in yourself. A hell of a hard lesson that I have had to learn and I'm still honestly working through is no one can make me believe in myself. It's something that I truly into the root of my soul have to feel for myself and that begins honestly with baby steps of shifting from victim mode into hero mode. It's really the difference between staying stuck and what didn't go down in the way that you hoped that it would and moving forward with valuable lessons that you can apply to future situations. It's amazing how quickly the air can clear when you just stand in your truth. You let your light shine. You do what you have to do. And you know what? I'm a huge advocate for feeling feelings. I feel a lot of feelings as an empath. I get them all, but you know what? If you're sad, let yourself be sad for a little while. If you're pissed off, go be pissed off. If you're insanely happy, go spread some sunshine with your smile. Allow the emotions that enter your body to have their time in the place. The negative ones though, don't let them stick around. Those are kind of like those sets of cousins that come over once a year and you're like,"Oh God, here they come. Here we go." You don't let them move in with you, do ya? No. So negative emotions don't get to move in with you. They can come, they can visit, and then guess wha—their asses get to go somewhere else. The potential that you possess is literally out of this world. And the first step to unlocking that and actually living the life that you know that you could live—I want you to start saying,"You know what? Why not me?" Join me next week on The Gutsy Podcast as we talk about bouncing back from setbacks. We all experience them, bottom outs, crappy situations, but how do you find the inspiration and the motivation to keep going? How do you pick up your boots and keep walking and get back in the game? Until then, follow The Gutsy Podcast on Facebook and Instagram and for more business nonsense follow me personally on Instagram@thatlauraaura. See you next time.



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