The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

30: 5 Ways to Create Balance Between Work, Home, Health, and Other Life Demands

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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One of the oldest questions of all time is: “How do I find a balance between work, home, self, and life?” Balance is something that we’re all craving yet can’t seem to find the magic formula to. How can I do all the things in my life well without feeling like I’m compromising something else? How do all THOSE people seem to have it all together?

This week’s episode is debunking the concept of balance. As much as I’d like to think it exists, it doesn’t, yet we fantasize something that many people claim to have (mostly through Facebook). I know, this may seem like a little bit of a downer, but the truth is, the true secret to balance is knowing what part of your life needs you the most at each moment.

If someone has a spotless house with all the laundry put away, all their work caught up, spent equal time with all their friends and family, worked out every day and is caught up on all their favorite shows, they're either:

  1. Having a unicorn week and feel extra accomplished
  2. Lying
  3. Or have hired someone to help them

This week, I hope to help you feel a little more normal because we’re all going through the same challenges—some of us just appear to have it more together than the rest of us. So, if you’re feeling like you’ve thrown sand in the air and are trying to figure out how to catch it all, this week’s episode is waiting for you.

Cheers to not having a perfect balance.

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