The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 40: Prevent the Past from Repeating Itself

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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If you've lived through a previous trauma — regardless of what size, matter, or subject — you know just how difficult it can be to put yourself in the situation again where the same outcome could be possible. Now, while I can't make any guarantees, what I can tell you is that the past has a really hard time repeating itself if you don't repeat the past.

This week, I want you to take your #powerback by doing something that has been making you nervous because maybe you've had previous experience with this. Maybe this is an unknown territory that left you feeling not so awesome and really just rocked your world in one way or another. But here's where the true power back lies: You can repeat a previous type of scenario but get a completely different outcome by changing the way you respond and react.

If you find yourself emotionally reacting to the same types of situations, this is an opportunity for you to change the way you respond by not reacting. It could be something as simple as less exposure to this situation, person, or topic. But your power back lies in that you get to choose how you respond. If you feel like you're constantly behind at work, you can't keep up, you're always one step behind of where you actually need to be — then that's a chance for you to change the way you schedule yourself.

Are you taking on too much? Are you taking too much off of other people's plates for them, but ultimately kind of screwing yourself over? Are you saying yes entirely too many times? You see, you can prevent being overworked and over-exhausted by changing the way you accept work and the way you schedule things. Sometimes that's as simple as being realistic. When can you actually have things back to people by? We create this hallucinated urgency that everyone wants everything at some lightning speed and that they'll return it to us just as quickly. But 9 times out of 10, their expectation on when they're going to get it back is drastically different than yours.

If there's constant confusion with the way things need to get done in your office, then maybe this is an opportunity to change the way they're documented. Have you put processes and systems in place? Does everyone know how to do things the same way? You can prevent future confusion and increase employee morale simply by being consistent with your processes.

If you find yourself in the same financial circle, the same challenges right back to where you started, then this is a chance for you to change the way you not only view but spend and save your money. And if you find yourself with the same type of toxic relationships, then you have the power to change the way you allow people to enter and manipulate your life.

You see, cycles typically continue on and on because we continue the same behaviors and patterns, but the true power back is being presented with a similar situation and saying, you know what — we're going to do things differently this time because I am tired of feeling like this. I am tired of feeling like I'm never getting ahead. I'm tired of honestly just being tired. This cycle no longer belongs to you and that power comes down to you changing the way that you respond.

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