The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 43: Have the Difficult Conversation

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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We often put off having challenging conversations because, well, they're uncomfortable. I can't really think of a single person I've come in contact with that's like, "Oh great, something is going wrong. I can't wait to tell this person."

It's often perceived as easier to just not talk to them or deal with it. Maybe it's me? Maybe if I just don't bring it up it'll just magically go away. But, inevitably, it ends up running in the back of our minds; building up stress, anxiety, and adding fuel to a potentially smoldering fire.

So now something goes wrong, you get upset, but let it slide. Then something else happens and then something else happens. And this could be over the course of a couple of days or a couple of years, but when that initial issue has not been resolved (or at least communicated about), your tolerance for that person starts to decrease. And when something else pops up, you're quick to judge and react.

You're gonna freaking snap and all of those circumstances and occasions where you did not address the issue before, it's going to come out through rage, anger, and resentment. What started off as an annoyance a few months ago is now a full-blown argument; which causes a whole lot more trauma in your relationship.

This week, I want you to take your power back by just having those difficult conversations. I often say that people don't know what they don't know. It might be irritating the shit out of you that something is put into the cabinet the wrong way, but if your spouse or partner doesn't know it's quote-unquote the wrong way — it's going to bother you way more than it is them because they don't even know it's an issue.

We underestimate our own feelings when we pull them down and bottle them up (a lot of times to protect the other person or to honestly just not have to deal with it). In the long run though, what we end up doing is creating way bigger situations about really small things that could have been addressed.

Emotions and communication are at the root of all humanity. If you're upset, talk about it. If there's a problem, face it. If you're happy, celebrate it. If you're frustrated or angry, give yourself a few minutes to cool down. The last thing that you want to do is react impulsively. But once you've been able to gather yourself, get your composure, write down the facts, and really process things — sit down and have a conversation. Now. Not two weeks from now; not a month from now; not a year from now. NOW. You owe it to yourself and the other person.

It says that you protect your own energy and that you value the relationship enough to sit down and talk. People just don't talk enough anymore. I'm here to encourage you today to open up that conversation, and have that talk. Not only is it going to give you an opportunity to clear the air, but it's also going to give you an opportunity to maintain that relationship.

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