The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 44: Infuse Simple Exercises into Your Busy Schedule

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Earlier this week, we talked to Lauren about infusing simple exercises into your daily life and look, guys, I am one and the same as you. I have a lot going on on a regular basis. I'm being pulled in a lot of different directions and sometimes the thought of infusing exercise as one more thing, it's like, you know what? That's the easiest thing to not have to do. Let me just sit on the couch.

I want to tell you, I've been on this journey and if you've been following along with the podcast, you know that I love Peloton and I'm here to admit something — it sucks. But I'm going to admit it to you. So I had this amazing goal to buy this bike, right? This was something that I really wanted to do for myself. I knew that going to the gym was not my thing. There are just a hundred different reasons. So then I achieved that goal, which is amazing.

For a year I had a pretty good routine and I was working on a regular basis and you know, just doing all the great things on the Peloton and then life happened. Stuff got challenging at work. I wasn't keeping up with my home to the best of my abilities. I'm trying to invest in my mind. I'm trying to grow my business. I have a husband, I have a son, I have a family. I could keep going.

There are a lot of things that happen on a regular basis and guess what was one of the very first things to go? I stopped riding. I put on the weight I had lost. I lost the confidence I had gained. I lost my momentum and it just became easier to not do it because while I haven't been on it in a few weeks and now, in this case, a few months, why pick it back up?

This is a cycle I carry and I see that I'm being faced with right now to say, Hey, how bad do you want this? And not talking about the bike anymore because I have it. I'm talking about the growth of myself and my family and our business and our finances. To do greater things requires taking greater care of myself and I'm sitting here thinking, damn it, Laura, why are we back here? Why are we doing this again? Well, as we're growing and we get pulled in lots of directions, we are often the very first thing to go.

This week, I want you to take your power back by infusing a simple exercise into your busy schedule. I know you are busy and you know what, so am I. But you owe it to yourself to invest in your body.

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